Sermons – 2019

For sermons in CD format or to listen to the service in its entirety, please contact one of the sound operators or


12/29/19 Songs & Scriptures

12/22/19 Ervin Stutzman “A Messiah Worth Waiting For”

12/15/19 Clyde Kratz “Kept Waiting by Fear”

12/08/19 Ervin Stutzman “A root that bears fruit”

12/01/19 Ervin Stutzman “Already, but not yet”

11/24/19 Ervin Stutzman “Bearing with one Another” / Fulfilling the law of Christ Galatians 5:13-6:5

11/17/19 Ervin Stutzman and Dave King “A Gift that keeps on Giving” Romans 12:3-18

11/10/19 Sarah Piper “Made to Fail or Being Made Complete?”

11/03/19 Anna Ressler “May I Wash Your Feet?”

10/27/19 Ervin Stutzman “Essentials for Body Building”

10/20/19 Bonnie Stutzman “Surprised by Grace” Luke 18:1-8

10/13/19 Ervin Stutzman “A Sacramental Life” 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

10/06/19 Ervin Stutzman “A Word-Centered Life” Matthew 28:16-20

09/29/19 Ervin Stutzman “A Compassionate Life” Luke 4:14-21

09/22/19 Ervin Stutzman “A Spirit-Empowered Life” John 14:15-17, 25-26

09/15/19 Ervin Stutzman “A Virtuous Life” Matthew 5:1-12

09/08/19 Ervin Stutzman “A Prayer-filled Life” Matthew 6:5-9

09/01/19 Ervin Stutzman “Stepping into the Stream” 2 Corinthians 1:3-11

08/25/19 Daphna Music Sunday – No Audio Recording

08/18/19 Installation Service-Ervin & Bonnie Stutzman; MC USA conference update-sharing of delegate & youth experiences. No Public Audio Recording. CD available in Library for congregation to borrow.

08/11/19 Ervin Stutzman “Paul & Barnabas: A Contentious Separation”

08/04/19 Ervin Stutzman “Lydia of Thyatira: Openness to God” Acts 16:11-15

07/28/19 Pastor Mike Metzler “The Father’s Fruitful Church: Making Our Home In Jesus” John 15:1-17

07/21/19 No Audio – Highland Retreat, Faith Stories & Baptisms

07/14/19 Pastor Mike “The Best Defense” Acts 26:19-32

07/07/19 D.J. Mitchell “How Much Has Jesus Done?” Luke 8:26-39

06/30/19 Pastor Mike “Apostle To The Apostles” John 20:11-18

06/23/19 Pastor Mike “Love Better Than Life: Thirsty For God” Psalm 63

06/16/19 Pastor Alfonso Alvarado, Mark 12:41-44, “Give Everything For God-Trusting Him & Believing In Him Always”

06/09/19 Pastor Mike Exodus 3:1-12 “God Calls Us In The Wilderness”

06/02/19 Music Sunday – CD available in Library to borrow.

05/26/19 New Member Sunday. Faith Stories – No Audio Recording

05/19/19 EMHS Touring Choir

05/12/19 Covenant Renewal Sunday – No Audio Recording

05/05/19 Covenant Renewal Sunday – No Audio Recording

04/28/19 Anna Ressler “Jesus Meets Us” John 20:24-31

04/21/19 Pastor Mike “The Message of the Church” Acts 10:34-43

04/14/19 David Gingerich “Where is God When I am Weary?” Isaiah 50:1-11

04/07/19 Pastor Mike Metzler “Wasted on Jesus” John 12:1-8

03/31/19 Seth & Theresa Crissman “Lost & Found” Luke 15:11-32

03/24/19 Jason Wagner “Gracious Interruption” Isaiah 55:1-9

03/17/19 Pastor Mike Metzler “God Gathers Us” Psalm 27

03/10/19 Pastor Mike Metzler “God’s Hand Delivers Us” Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16

03/03/19 Pastor Mike Metzler “Remembering God’s Future Plan In Uncertain Times” Revelations 21:1-5

02/24/19 Pastor Mike Metzler “God’s Greatest Show & Tell” John 20:19-23

02/17/19 Dr. Susan Schultz Huxman “Living as Witnesses: Lessons from the Encounters of Peter & Cornelius” Acts 10:1-48

02/10/19 Pastor Sarah Piper “Following Jesus into Life on Resurrection Ground” Romans 6:1-11

02/03/19 Pastor Mike “Reading God’s Story Backward & Forward” Luke 24:13-27

01/27/19 Pastor Mike “Writing With Our Bodies: Radical Christian Discipleship” Luke 23:44-56

01/20/19 Pastor Mike “Persevering In Faith” Hebrews 12:1-3

01/13/19 No Service – Due to weather

01/06/19 Pastor Mike “I am the LORD’s” Matt. 3:11-17