Sermons – 2020

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09/27/20 Evin Stutzman “A Sheperd’s Care”, Acts 20:24-35, I Thess. 2:6-13

09/20/20 Highland Retreat – No recording

09/13/20 Ervin Stutzman “Jesus, the Guide to Biblical Interpretation”

09/06/20 Bonita Stutzman “Christ in you the hope of glory”

08/30/20 Ervin Stutzman “Birthed & Sustained by God” Acts 17:28

08/23/20 Sara Halteman “Jesus the Healer”

08/16/20 Ervin Stutzman “Being & Making Disciples” Matthew 28:18-20

08/09/20 Ervin Stutzman “The Upsides and Downsides of World-Wide Evangelism” Matthew 28:18-20

08/02/20 Ervin Stutzman “All In” Psalm 105:1-11

07/26/20 Sarah Piper “Kingdom Math” Psalm 145:1-8, Matthew 20:1–16

07/19/20 Steve Horst & Bethany Tobin “Come and Share” Psalm 123, Matthew 25:14–30; Luke 19:11–27

07/12/20 Ervin & Bonita Stutzman “The Amazing Seeds of God’s Kingdom” Psalm 20, Mark 4:26–34

07/05/20 Elwood Yoder “Facing the Waves” Matthew 14:22-23

06/28/20 Ervin Stutzman “Listening to God” Psalm 65:9-13

06/21/20 Sarah Piper “Speaking by Life in the Vine” 1Timothy5:1-2

06/14/20 Ervin Stutzman “Solidarity in the Family” Hebrews 2:10-18

06/07/20 Ervin Stutzman “The water that runs thicker than blood” Psalm 69:1-9

05/31/20 Lori Friesen “Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit on the Disciples” John 20:19-23

05/24/20 Ervin Stutzman “Taken Up” Psalm 47:1-9

05/17/20 Aldine Musser “Jesus Commissions His Disciples” Psalm 8:1-9

05/10/20 Dave King “Discipleship as Lifelong Learning” Psalm 30

05/03/20 Bonnie Stutzman “We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight” John 20:24-29

04/26/20 Sarah Piper “Through the Obstacle” Psalm 47 or 93

04/19/20 Ervin Stutzman “Jesus on the Road to Emmaus” Psalm 116:1-4,12-19

04/12/20 Ervin Stutzman “Resurrection Orientation” Acts 10:34-43

04/05/20 Ervin Stutzman “Hosanna!” Isaiah 50:4-9a

03/29/20 Sarah Piper “They Came to Life” Ezekiel 37:1-14

03/22/20 Ervin Stutzman “Seeing as God Sees” 1 Samuel 16:1-13

03/15/20 Ervin Stutzman “Living Water” Exodus 17:1-7

03/08/20 Ervin Stutzman “God’s Love Makes Us New” John 3:1-17

03/01/20 Bonita Stutzman “Taking A Journey Inward” Matthew 4:1-11

02/23/20 Ervin Stutzman “A New Creation in Christ”, 2 Cor. 5:17-21

02/16/20 Ervin Stutzman “A Ministry of Reconciliation” 2 Cor. 5:11–6:2

02/09/20 Ervin Stutzman “Open Faces, Open Lives” 2 Cor. 3:7-18

02/02/20 Moriah Hurst “Use Your Words: Balancing Doing & Being”

01/26/20 Ervin Stutzman “An Advocate for Jesus” John 14:23-27

01/19/20 Ervin Stutzman “Trouble+Grace=Hope” Phil. 1:3-11

01/12/20 Ervin Stutzman “God’s Peace for Heart and Mind”

01/05/20 Dave King “Unable To Go Back The Way We Came!”