Youth Ministries
Youth Fellowship at Zion
Zion's Youth Fellowship includes Mennonite Youth Fellowship (MYF) for 8-12th graders and Junior Mennonite Youth Fellowship (JrMYF) for 6-8th graders. Both meet as Sunday morning classes during Sunday school time and several times throughout the month. Please email the church office at to request additional information about the MYF.
Current Sunday School info:
- Junior High (5th - 8th grade)
- Location: Upstairs hallway, center classroom
- Teachers: Joe Friesen, Jamey Groff, Rebecca Hess, Tony Resto
- MYF (9-12th grade)
- Location: Upstairs hallway, next to the Prayer Room
- Teachers: Lori Friesen, Dave King, Joseph Spory

The MYF at ZMC seeks to provide a safe and engaging space for youth to connect with each other and adult sponsors, explore faith, ask questions and find support, engage in opportunities for service, exploring, and having fun together.
Currently, MYF meets every Sunday throughout the school year, from 7-9 pm- we encourage youth to come as often as their schedules allow, and enjoy having a consistent group, but understand that life is busy at this age! Our time together involves bible study on a wide range of topics, games, snacks, and time to share and get to know each other. We also plan other activities outside of regular meetings (bowling, movie and game nights, Christmas party, service projects, etc.) and have fundraisers throughout the year to raise money for service trips and the Mennonite Church USA Youth Convention, which takes place every other summer.
Our group is open to all high school youth and friends are welcome- we hope you can join us some week!